What is an ntNFT?

2 min readMar 31, 2021

You’ve heard of NFT art; get ready for ntNFTs

ntNFT: Non-transferrable NFT.

An NFT (non-fungible token) is a digital file on a blockchain that is unique so it can be owned and sold. They are all the craze recently since one sold for $69M.

An ntNFT is a digital file that is unique and cannot be sold. These are the perfect format for a digital transcript. These are the building blocks of Academic Capital as I defined it in my recent book.

11th and 12th grade students:

  1. Browse competencies on an ntNFT platform like hs.credit or deedu.credit (yet to be launched);
  2. Select a credit and follow the tutorial with curricular materials to produce original video or audio;
  3. Upload their final product;
  4. A committee of three credit experts evaluate the work;
  5. If accepted for credit, the ntNFT shows up on their transcript, allowing anyone who views the transcript to check out the original media segment that earned that credit.

Why is this important?

When the first fully decentralized, ownerless platform for ntNFTs is available for high school students, that is the beginning of the end of standardized testing. If students can opt out of tests and opt into a project-based, gold standard credit, more and more will do so. More and more families understand that standardized thinking kills the love for learning that is a prerequisite to economic advantage in a digital age.

As this begins to happen, a new data source for accountability is born which incentivizes project-based learning. We now have solid research that PBL is much better for the human brain than standardized thinking. Check out these videos to learn more (this one is my favorite).

The revolutionary part of this is that instead of government and politicians having control of ed data, they will buy this data in bulk from the platform. AND… the platform is fully governed by educators!

The non-profit funds collected by the platform are used to pay the three credit experts who evaluate incoming work, maintaining the reputation of any particular credit stream. That’s right, educators are paid on this app $180/hr, thus decentralizing the administration of high school assessment data.

Project-base learning has been around for a long time, even if the data is just now confirming its impact. It’s no surprise that the richest men in the world mostly went to Montessori-type schools.

Today, for the first time in history, ntNFTs allow us to INCENTIVIZE authentic project-based learning and DECENTRALIZE control of the resulting data.

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